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Your Daddy Is Not Like God
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Pray First
August 15, 2022
Pray First: Shake It Up
Prayer is a form of communication with God our Father. As in any relationship, the same thing over and over again can become stale. Spontaneous dates are healthy for a marriage. New adventures together strengthen even the tightest friendships. Our relationship with God is no different.
Pray First
January 22, 2022
Better together: the power of community in our lives
We are not meant to do life by ourselves, we need community and people who we can walk alongside with.
Pray First
January 19, 2022
CSI Miami: Christ’s Salvation in Miami
In order to bring Christ’s Salvation in Miami, we must be willing to help others, pray for others and seek peace everywhere we go.
Pray First
January 18, 2022
One Nation Evermore
We must remember that we are one nation under God and that we are called to live with love for others.
Pray First
January 17, 2022
Why we need to stop living for ourselves
The gospel drives us to have a life full of joy and purpose where we are called to stop living for ourselves and start living for the sake of others.
Pray First
January 15, 2022
As I sit in Heaven: Grieving with Jesus
Allow yourself to grieve, to feel the pain, the sorrow, the anger. Never allow yourself to believe that these feelings are wrong or faithless, they are part of being human and going through the process. Don’t run away from them, but rather embrace them and allow them to guide you to a healing place.
Pray First
January 14, 2022
Even When It Hurts
Heartbreak comes in many different ways, not just in the loss of someone. It can be because of betrayal, deceit, or even rejection. But the Bible says that God is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Pray First
January 13, 2022
When I Don’t Feel Like Forgiving
The thing about unforgiveness, is that it actually causes us more pain and makes it harder to move on from the past. God instructs us to forgive. So when we don’t, our disobedience creates distance and gets in the way of our relationship with him.
Pray First
January 12, 2022
Already Disturbed, Proceed with Caution
The different traumas in our lives not only can cause us deep pain, but they also influence the way we are and the way we act.
Pray First
January 11, 2022
Beautiful Fake Smile
There’s no need for you to pretend like there’s nothing going on inside of your heart. The more you hide it the harder it is to get it healed. Depression is real, and is nothing you should be ashamed of. Your mental health is important.
Pray First
January 10, 2022
“I called to you for help, and you healed me”
Psalms 30:2 says, he is willing not just to listen to your prayers, but to help you, to redeem your life and crown you with love and compassion. He knows what you are going through, and you are not going through it alone.
Pray First
January 8, 2022
Don't Be Afraid to Say You've Failed
Society has taught us that we shouldn’t tell anyone when we fail, because “what are others going to think?” But there’s a great power in coming clear in things we’ve done with someone who is willing not just to listen to us, but to help us, pray for us, and keep us accountable.
Pray First
January 7, 2022
When I Don't Feel Like Pursuing God
Imagine if an Olympic athlete didn’t go to their training because they didn’t feel like it. Do you think their Olympic dreams would ever be realized? Do you think they would acquire the skills, the strength, and the stamina to win? Of course not! It’s the same thing with your spiritual relationship with Jesus.
Pray First
January 6, 2022
The Purpose of Your Life According to Jesus
Whether we realize it or not, we are always following something or someone. And eventually what we are following is what we are becoming. So the question is, what or who are we following?
Pray First
January 5, 2022
How To Gain Wisdom From God
The Bible says that if we lack wisdom we should ask God and he will give it to us generously. This wisdom may come through prayer, through scripture, or even through another person. So if you are struggling to know what to do with a situation in your life right now, I want to encourage you to be more intentional with the time you spend with Jesus.
Pray First
January 4, 2022
When My Path Isn't Straight
Oftentimes we make our own plans and pretty much just show them to God and “ask for his blessing”. Sometimes not even that. We just make them and don’t even consider making him part of it. But the Bible says that we shouldn’t trust our own understanding and we should always submit our ways to him.
Pray First
January 3, 2022
Writing down God's Vision for your life
As we enter in a new year, we must be intentional in walking with purpose. What is God’s vision for your life? What is he calling you to do in this new season? What dreams does he want you to pursue? What matters of your heart does he want to work on healing? In what areas does he want you to grow?
The VOUS Blog is a space for discovery with resources and reflections, curated by the VOUS community and team, to encourage you on the journey.
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