We have developed an ongoing collection of curriculum known as Care Crews that can help you navigate through seasons, to find freedom, and to walk in the path that God has planned for you.
This is a space where we care for your spiritual development and personal growth. If you have areas that you are looking to lean into to become all that God has created you to be, we want to help. We've provided a collection of classes that you can take to help you dive deeper into specific topics. Topics like marriage, healing, financial freedom, freedom from addiction, assistance with foster care, and so much more.
Single and Secure is a 6 week book study based on Single and Secure by Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. Single & Secure, is a guide for living a fulfilling, abundant life, single. “Your best days are the days you live to the fullest”
Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts is a six-week relationship course covering conflict resolution, sex and intimacy, finances, spiritual unity, husband/wife roles, and more.
GraceMarriage is a 6 week plan to help your marriage grow and experience more grace, more gratitude, and more connection.
Free to Grow is a 10-week crew focused on overcoming disappointments and setbacks that have hindered emotional and spiritual development. Groups meet by Gender. Register today!
Kingdom Man is a 6-session Bible study by Dr. Tony Evans. This study is designed to empower men to exercise the God-given dominion they were created for by giving them a Kingdom understanding, vision, and perspective on their identity and responsibilities along with practical steps on how to become a man who rules his world well.
This is a 6-Week Care Crew that walks through the first 6 principles in Rob Reimer’s book entitled Soul Care. These principles, when packaged together and lived out, can lead to lasting transformation, freedom, and a healthy soul. Soul Care by Rob Reimer encourages us to gather a small group of people, read and process together, open our souls to one another, access the presence and power of God together, and journey together into the freedom and fullness of Christ.
VOUS Recovery is a free Christ-centered program that helps you find freedom from addictions of any kind - depression, anxiety, hurts, habits and hang-ups. Register Today! Join in any time.
Following Jesus is a journey – one that will continue for all eternity. You will grow and mature in your personal relationship with him, but that doesn’t mean you’re on the journey alone. It is within the context of community that freedom takes place. The people you surround yourself with will either bring you closer to Jesus or distract you from the purpose he has for your life. This class is intended to be a resource for you to gain a better understand of the Christian faith and to provide direction for the next steps of your journey.
Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer is a curriculum for Christlikeness. This curriculum includes nine practices. You will go through one practice per season- each practice is a four session experience where you will come together to gather, learn, practice and reflect. The intention is to to form a lifestyle based on the way of Jesus himself that is conducive to deep inner healing and transformation. This practice we will go through this season is Sabbath. The Sabbath is a twenty-four hour time period set aside to stop, rest, delight, and worship. In our era of chronic exhaustion, emotional unhealth, and spiritual stagnation, few things are more necessary than the recovery of this ancient practice. Register today!
The Bible Study is an introductory guide through the entire bible. Over the course of a year (separated into 3 seasons), you will dive deeper into scripture, gather historical context, and gain a better understanding of what you are reading and how it relates to you as you build a life of richer faith and closeness to God.
Alpha is a 6 week Crew designed to help answer frequently asked questions about faith with video content, discussion questions, and reflective processing. The course is an open conversation which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith, we want you to be resourced to answer tough questions about your faith as well as guide others to know more about the "why" behind our beliefs.
FreedUp is a six-week program that’s focused on financial habits and freedom from debt. The FreedUp App and program provides teachings tailored to people in multiple different financial conditions, not just those experiencing financial crisis.
FPU is a 8 week program designed to help you build a budget, dump debt, grow your wealth, and leave money stress behind. Each lesson is based on biblical wisdom and common sense. Tell your money where to go instead of wondering where it went!
FPU es un programa de 6 semanas diseñado para ayudarlo a crear un presupuesto, liquidar deudas, aumentar su riqueza y dejar atrás el estrés del dinero. Cada lección se basa en la sabiduría bíblica. ¡Dígale a su dinero a dónde ir en lugar de preguntarse adónde fue!