Saturday, August 3

Back To School Bash

During the beginning of the school year we have an incredible opportunity to love the children in our community in a tangible way by providing them with backpacks full of school supplies.

Sunday, July 14 - Thursday, August 1


Fill backpacks for families during the Back to School Drive.

Purchase supplies and drop off in-person or
donate supplies online.

Saturday, August 3


Help host our annual Back To School Bash. Distribute backpacks, check-in guests, and serve our city during a morning of fun and games.

Team Rally — 10:30AM
Samuel K Johnson Youth Center
4900 NW 12th Ave, Miami, FL 33127

Serve + Run

ILMC x Marathon Weekend

I Love My City

Give Back This Season

We are passionate about serving our community. We believe that as we serve our city, God will change it. Discover ways you can make a difference this fall and winter.

We Love Our City

We are passionate about serving our community. Every month, VOUS partners with different organizations to love on those around us. We believe that as we serve our city, God will change it.

I Love My City

Saturday, February 22nd

This month's spotlight initiative focuses on promoting mental, physical, and spiritual health. Through workshops, fitness activities, and health resources, we will serve our city by encouraging holistic wellness.
VOUS SoUS Miami Gardens

Saturday, April 19th

Easter Egg Drop

The Easter Egg Drop is a family fun-filled day, including food, games, entertainment, and the crowd favorite: a helicopter egg drop with eggs stuffed with goodies and prizes!

Friday, February 9

Night To Shine

On Friday, February 9th, VOUS Church will host our annual Night To Shine in partnership with the Tim Tebow Foundation.

Night to Shine has become a worldwide movement that is changing Valentine’s Day from simply a celebration of love, to a celebration of God’s love by honoring people with special needs and the value of life.

Back To School Drive

Sunday, July 14 - Thursday, August 1

Drop Off Supplies at any of the following times + locations:

6767 Sunset Dr
South Miami, FL 33143

Sundays7AM - 7PM
Monday - Thursday10AM - 4PM

17801 NW 2nd Ave
Miami, FL 33169

Sundays7AM - 1PM
Monday - Thursday10AM - 4PM


6101 NW 2nd Ave
Miami, FL 33127

7AM - 7PM


77 NE 40th St
Miami, FL 33137

7AM - 1PM


We are passionate about serving our community. Every month, VOUS partners with different organizations to love on those around us. We believe that as we serve our city, God will change it.

Saturday, January 27


Start the day with our I Love My City January outreach. With service projects across South Florida, there's one just for you!

Time: 10:30AM
Multiple Locations
Sign Up Below!

Saturday, January 27

Shakeout Run

Start Marathon Weekend strong with a 5K shake out run. Gather your Run Crew and meet us at Peacock Park!
All skill levels welcome.

Time: 2:00PM
Peacock Park
2820 McFarlane Rd.

Saturday, November 23

Thanksgiving Outreach

Donate meals to families in need during the Thanksgiving season and help distribute them during our annual Thanksgiving Bash.


We are passionate about serving our community. Every month, VOUS partners with different organizations to love on those around us. We believe that as we serve our city, God will change it.

Sunday, October 27 — Saturday, November 23

Thanksgiving Drive

Fill meal kits for families in need during the Thanksgiving season and drop-off Monday-Thursday, 10am-4pm at VOUS Miami Gardens until Nov. 21st or donate online.

Saturday, November 23

Thanksgiving Bash

Help make Thanksgiving special for a family  in need by serving in November’s ILMC, Thanksgiving Bash where we distribute hundreds of meals to families in our community. We are also hosting our annual VOUS Bowl football game.

VOUS Bowl — 9:00AM
Thanksgiving Bash — 11:00AM

Charles Hadley Park
1350 NW 50th St.

Saturday, December 14th

Toy Bash

During our annual Toy Bash you will have the opportunity to create a fun Christmas experience for children in our community.

Samuel K Johnson Youth Center
4900 NW 12th Ave, Miami, FL 33127
11AM - 1PM


We are passionate about serving our community. Every month, VOUS partners with different organizations to love on those around us. We believe that as we serve our city, God will change it.

Sunday, November 24th — Friday, December 13th

Toy Drive

Donate toys in-person or online and bless families in need during the Christmas season.

All Locations

Monday - Thursday
10:00 AM-4:00 PM
VOUS Miami Gardens
17801 NW 2nd Ave. Miami, FL 33169

Saturday, December 14th

Toy Bash

Help host the Toy Bash and distribute toys to families in need.

Team Rally Begins | 10:30AM
Samuel K Johnson Youth Center
4900 NW 12th Ave, Miami, FL 33127

Upcoming Events

Upcoming ILMC Events

Sub text

01 — January

Saturday, January 25th

This month's spotlight initiative is human trafficking awareness. We aim to bring light to this critical issue by partnering with organizations working to prevent trafficking and support survivors.

02 — February
Night to Shine

Friday, February 7th

On Friday, February 7th, VOUS Church will host our annual Night To Shine in partnership with the Tim Tebow Foundation.

Night to Shine has become a worldwide movement that is changing Valentine’s Day from simply a celebration of love, to a celebration of God’s love by honoring people with special needs and the value of life.

02 — February

Saturday, February 22nd

This month's spotlight initiative focuses on promoting mental, physical, and spiritual health. Through workshops, fitness activities, and health resources, we will serve our city by encouraging holistic wellness.

03 — March


Monthly we gather large for our ILMC Outreaches in which we partner with local organizations to love on our community. This month's spotlight initiative is Women Empowerment.

04 — April
Easter Egg Drop

Saturday, April 19th

The Easter Egg Drop is a family fun-filled day, including food, games, entertainment, and the crowd favorite: a helicopter egg drop with eggs stuffed with goodies and prizes!

05 — May

Saturday, May 17th

This month's spotlight initiative is on Foster Care. We will partner with organizations such as 4KIDS, One More Child, His House & Citrus Family network to support Foster Care Parents and children currently in foster care.

07 — July
Serve Day

Saturday, July 12th

Serve Day provides opportunities for churches across the world to serve their local communities and share the love of God through practical acts of kindness. Simple acts of selfless love can open hearts to Jesus. We believe that we will make a lasting impact as we serve together!

08 — August
Back To School Bash

Saturday, August 2nd

During the beginning of the school year we have an incredible opportunity to love the children in our community in a tangible way by providing them with backpacks full of school supplies.

10 — October
A21 Walk For Freedom

Saturday, October 18th

This month we will partner with A21 to host a day of global awareness and local action in the fight against human trafficking. Joining thousands of people in hundreds of cities across the globe we will take time to walk in a single file line–holding posters and handing out flyers–to reach our city with information about human trafficking and how to end it.

11 — November
Thanksgiving Bash x VOUS Bowl

Saturday, November 22nd

Help make Thanksgiving special for a family in need by serving in our Thanksgiving Bash where we distribute hundreds of meals to families in our community. We are also hosting our annual VOUS Bowl football game.

12 — December
Toy Bash

Saturday, December 13th

During our annual Toy Bash you will have the opportunity to serve in a toy store we created for families in our community. Our goal is to empower families this season while bringing Christmas joy.

Need help?

If you have questions we’re here to chat. Just send us a message!

Let's talk