July 2, 2024

Leadership With Rich

Practical leadership handles for you and your teams.

Resources, Leadership, and Ways to Connect

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3 Signs of Unity

Resources, Leadership, and Ways to Connect

3 Signs of Unity

I. Failure Produces Improvement
Failure isn't failure as long as we don't quit.

II. Problems Get Solved Quickly
See problems as opportunities in disguise.

III. Tasks Become Missions
We're part of something bigger than ourselves.

“Nothing great just happens and unity is no exception.” — @richwilkersonjr

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You've probably heard it before: there is strength in numbers. While that may be true, real strength comes not just from the number of people on your team, but from their unity.

Unity is one of the most powerful tools in leadership. There are few things that produce the powerful results of unity and few things that yield the destructive consequences of division.

United we stand. Divided we fall. We won't be perfect. Life in community produces all kinds of friction. But the fight for unity is worthy work.