August 30, 2022

Leadership With Rich

Practical leadership handles for you and your teams.

Resources, Leadership, and Ways to Connect

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3 Lies Leaders Listen To

Resources, Leadership, and Ways to Connect

1. "I'm Not Good Enough"
Insecurities inhibit us from growth.

2. "I Deserve More Credit"
A constant need for credit will continually leave you in debt.

2. "It's All on Me"
"We" is always better than "me."

“Your intention shapes your direction.” — @richwilkersonjr

What you listen to is how you'll lead. We can't change what we don't evaluate. It's important that we reflect on our guiding beliefs. Often, subtle adjustments to the language of your leadership can make a world of difference.

Take time this week to reflect on your leadership lens. Are you viewing your present opportunities from a place of growth or grumbling? If you've lost excitement for the journey you might be believing a leadership lie.