Luke 10:33-37 NIV
33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[a] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’ 36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” 37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
REFERENCES: Matthew 25:35-40, Luke 10: 25-30
You are the hiring manager and your boss tells you to not give the job to a person of color because he believes they will be irresponsible even though they are qualified. Do you follow your boss's order because you fear getting fired or do you stand up for your belief to advocate this socially unjust situation and risk your job?
Optional opening: You have ten dollars in your pocket and as you go to the store, you spot a homeless person begging for food, do you walk past him and pretend you didn’t see them or do you hand him the ten dollars you intended for yourself?
As believers, we are called to more than practicing our faith within the four walls of the church, we are called to be the church outside those walls. We represent God’s love by loving, helping, and valuing others. Our existence is an answer to the world’s social and racial problems, do you consider yourself a solution?
We have Church in buildings, but we can only be the Church in the world.
In order to make an impact in the world, we need to first realize there is a problem. We must realize the fact that social and racial injustices exist in our community. Next, we must no longer be blind to the problems but be intentional on how we create solutions by standing up for what we believe in as children of God.
To empathize is not simply to feel, but to do something because of what you feel towards the hurt of others. As children of God we are called to empathize with those who hurt and stand up for those who may not be able to speak up for themselves.
Jesus came to Earth, not just so we could be free from sin and live eternally, but to show us how to live here on Earth. We have been called to be answers to the issues going on in our world. You have been called, commissioned, and crafted to live an intentional life of empathy and love. To fear God and love people should be our priority.
This weekend we honored Juneteenth a recognized federal holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. This week, consider taking time to read an article about the full history, maybe attend a community event or participate in an activity at your workplace or school that helps to raise awareness of this historic event. Share your experience with the group.
Are you interested in leading a crew? Click here to fill out an application to become a crew leader in SZN 2!
VOUS High Nite is a night for Junior High and High School Students to meet friends, worship and encounter God. It will be taking place Wednesday, April 2nd at both VOUS SoMi and VOUS Miami Gardens at 7PM.
To RSVP, click here.
There will also be a VOUS High Nite Parent Hangout. This will be an opportunity to learn more about VOUS High, have some dinner and get to know other parents in our community.
To RSVP for the Parent’s Hang, click here.
Where: VOUS Miami Gardens & VOUS SoMi
When: Saturday, April 2nd
VOUS Miami Gardens - 17801 NW 2nd Ave
Miami, FL 33169
VOUS SoMi - 6767 Sunset Dr, Miami, FL 33143
Doors Open at 7PM.
Are you looking for a place to grow in leadership, community, and culture? Join us at VOUS College Preview Day on April 3rd to learn more about program offerings, connect with students, and ignite your journey to help fulfill the Great Commission!
RSVP now at
Where: VOUS Miami Gardens
When: Thursday, April 3rd
Address: 17801 NW 2nd Ave
Miami, FL 33169
The Easter Egg Drop is a family fun-filled day, including food, games, entertainment, and the crowd favorite: a helicopter egg drop with eggs stuffed with goodies and prizes!
For more information on the Easter Egg Drop, click here
If you are interested in serving, click here
Where: Charles Hadley Park
When: Saturday, April 19th
Address: 1350 NW 50th St
Miami, FL 33142
Join us for Easter at VOUS as we celebrate the power of the cross. This is a weekend for the whole family! Pick a service time and invite a friend — there's room for you.
Join us on the road to VOUSCon as we embark on a 40-day relay run through the state of Florida. From Jacksonville to Miami, runners from every region are invited to participate in carrying the good news. Our finish line? VOUSCon 2025. Led by a core VOUS team, we’ll link arms with partner churches along the way, spotlighting the body of Christ and championing the local church through weekly outreach initiatives.
Starting Line: Sunday, May 11
Finish Line: Thursday, June 19
8:45AM / 10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM
10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM
VOUS Miami Gardens
10:30AM / 12:30PM
10:30AM / 12:30PM
Church Online
10AM / 12:00 PM / 5PM Español
Growth Track
After every service or join online at