Por encima de todo
¿Que esperabas?
Above It All
What Did You Expect?
Above It All
What Did You Expect?
Por encima de todo
¿Que esperabas?

Crew Leader

Introduction (2 minutes)

Use the Zoom chat feature to keep everyone connected. As people join in, ask for their first and last name, email address, and where they are tuning in from. Save the chat as an attendance record.


Ask Crew members to share their favorite points from the talk. What phrase or moment did they relate to the most?

Icebreaker: Reflection or Conversation Starter or Virtual Icebreaker (5 minutes)

For your icebreaker, choose from the options below. Have Crew members unmute themselves to share.

Conversation Starters (Choose One)
  • What's something you did this week that you feel proud of?
  • What did you eat for breakfast?
  • Name the best book you’ve ever read.
  • What’s your morning routine?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
  • If your life was a story, what would the title be?
Virtual Icebreakers (5 minutes)

Preaching Game - Choose random items and allow individuals to find ways to encourage others using that item. (Pick 2-3 volunteers)

Show-and-Tell - Pick an object in your home that has significance for you, something with a funny story behind it, anything unique, or something you've used to simply pass the time.

Crew Discussion

Potencial Plantado

Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr.

Continuing the Conversation
Last Crew's Call to Action

God calls for us to forgive while maintaining boundaries necessary to steward and nurture our souls. This week, lean in to the wisdom of Solomon and study the book of Proverbs to help you develop tools for cultivating Godly relationships while asking God for the courage to forgive. Don’t forget to check out additional resources at https://www.vouschurch.com/care.


Mateus 9:35-37

“Jesus percorreu todas as cidades e todos os povoados, ensinando nas sinagogas, pregando o evangelho do reino e curando todas as enfermidades e doenças. Ao ver as multidões, teve compaixão delas, porque estavam aflitas e desamparadas, como ovelhas sem pastor. Então, disse aos seus discípulos: ― A colheita é grande, mas os trabalhadores são poucos.”

Referências adicionais: Mateus 17:20; Jeremias 17:8; Salmos 1:3; Salmos 92:12-14; Efésios 3:14-21

Ideia Principal

Um pequeno fruto de carvalho cresce e se torna uma árvore com quase 40 metros de altura, as células crescem e se tornam um ser humano, e uma ideia pode se tornar um negócio de sucesso. Tudo isso requer um “jardineiro”, alguém que possa tratar e cuidar do crescimento. Deus é o jardineiro supremo e nossas vidas são suas sementes. Quando permanecemos plantados Nele e permitimos que ele nos regue e nos pode, nossa fé Nele, embora pareça pequena, dará muitos frutos, em qualquer estação.

“A fé não apenas mantém as coisas como estão, mas ela também as faz crescer.”

1. Pequena Semente, Grande Potencial

Mesmo a menor semente carrega um potencial incrível quando colocada nas mãos de Deus. Em Mateus 17:20, Jesus comparou a fé a um grão de mostarda, enfatizando que até a menor quantidade de fé genuína pode mover montanhas. Assim como as sementes, nossa fé, sonhos ou esforços podem parecer pequenos e insignificantes, mas Deus é especialista em pegar o que é pequeno e multiplicá-lo além do que podemos imaginar.

Pense em um carvalho. Ele começa como uma pequena sementinha, mas cresce e se torna uma árvore enorme e forte ao longo do tempo. Da mesma forma, Deus pode pegar as pequenas coisas, "os grãos de mostarda" em sua vida, e transformá-las em algo imensamente e abundantemente maior do que você poderia imaginar.

Pequenos passos de fé e obediência podem multiplicar os frutos em você.
Crescimento não se trata apenas de ficar maior; crescimento é sobre se tornar melhor.
As sementes não crescem da noite para o dia; a fé envolve confiar em Deus mesmo no meio da terra.

O crescimento acontece com o tempo, não de forma instantânea.

Qual "pequena semente" Deus plantou em sua vida que exige fé para confiar a Ele o crescimento?

2. Plantado, Não Envasado

Uma árvore em vaso pode ser movida de um lugar para outro, desenraizada e limitada, incapaz de crescer em todo o seu potencial. Ela pode parecer viva por um tempo, mas falta a estabilidade necessária para prosperar a longo prazo. Por outro lado, uma árvore plantada tem raízes que se espalham e também se aprofundam. À medida que extrai nutrientes da terra, ela cresce e dá frutos com o tempo. Deus deseja que estejamos plantados em Sua palavra, em Seu propósito e na comunidade através de Sua Igreja. Isso significa permanecer comprometidos, mesmo quando é desconfortável ou quando o crescimento parece lento. Desenraizar-nos — seja perseguindo novos sonhos, relacionamentos ou lugares — pode prejudicar o crescimento que Deus está tentando cultivar em nós.prir o chamado de Deus.

O crescimento acontece na comunidade, dentro do contexto de relacionamentos consistentes no Reino.
Desenraizar-se cedo demais compromete nosso potencial e nos impede de dar frutos.
Uma árvore plantada cria raízes profundas e floresce.

Toda árvore que dá frutos passa por uma temporada de seca. Permaneça nela, não desista.

Como estar na Crew ajudou você a aplicar os princípios de permanecer plantado? OU Existem áreas na sua vida em que você se sente mais “dentro de um vaso” do que “plantado em solo”? O que está impedindo você de criar raízes?


Jesus veio para nos dar mais do que apenas a salvação, Ele quer que vivamos vidas abundantes. À medida que crescemos Nele e com outros, Ele nos dá a tarefa de ajudar com a Sua colheita. Ao permanecermos enraizados em Sua Palavra e conectados com o Seu povo, podemos usar nossas mãos para reunir o que Deus cultivou nos outros. Não há alegria maior do que fazer parte do plano de Deus para trazer pessoas à Ele e se tornar Suas mãos na colheita.

Chamada Para A Ação

Como você se comprometerá com a visão da “colheita” da nossa igreja nessa temporada? Você está planejando se juntar à uma equipe, servir em nosso “thanksgiving bash” a comunidade ou orar sobre contribuir para a “bricklayers offering”?


Domingos naVOUS


10h / 12h / 18h


10h / 12h

Igreja Online

10h / 17h Espanhol

Growth Track

Após cada serviço ou inscreva-se online em vouschurch.com/growthtrack

Crew Leader

Introduction (2 minutes)

Use the Zoom chat feature to keep everyone connected. As people join in, ask for their first and last name, email address, and where they are tuning in from. Save the chat as an attendance record.


Ask Crew members to share their favorite points from the talk. What phrase or moment did they relate to the most?

Icebreaker: Reflection or Conversation Starter or Virtual Icebreaker (5 minutes)

For your icebreaker, choose from the options below. Have Crew members unmute themselves to share.

Conversation Starters (Choose One)
  • What's something you did this week that you feel proud of?
  • What did you eat for breakfast?
  • Name the best book you’ve ever read.
  • What’s your morning routine?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
  • If your life was a story, what would the title be?
Virtual Icebreakers (5 minutes)

Preaching Game - Choose random items and allow individuals to find ways to encourage others using that item. (Pick 2-3 volunteers)

Show-and-Tell - Pick an object in your home that has significance for you, something with a funny story behind it, anything unique, or something you've used to simply pass the time.

Crew Discussion

What Did You Expect?

Pastor Luke Barry

Continuing the Conversation
VOUSCon 2023: Reflect

VOUSCon was nothing short of a miracle! We're still praising God for all He did. Reflection builds gratitude. Spend the first few minutes of Crew sharing a testimony or reflection from VOUSCon 2023.

Continuing the Conversation
Last Crew's Call to Action

God calls for us to forgive while maintaining boundaries necessary to steward and nurture our souls. This week, lean in to the wisdom of Solomon and study the book of Proverbs to help you develop tools for cultivating Godly relationships while asking God for the courage to forgive. Don’t forget to check out additional resources at https://www.vouschurch.com/care.


Ephesians 3:20-21 NKJV

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Additional Scripture References: John 11:32; Job 13:15; John 11:5; Matthew 14:31

Main Idea

Life often doesn't meet our expectations, leading to frustration and disappointment. We may hope for one outcome, only to be met with something entirely different, creating a gap between what we expected and what we experienced. This gap can lead us to question God, our faith, and our hope. But through stories like that of Lazarus and Job, we learn that God isn’t in the business of just meeting expectations, He’s in the business of exceeding them.

God’s power to perform exceeds our ability to ask

1. Hope and Expectation

Faith grows through hope and trusting God’s timing. Positive expectations can fuel faith, while unmet expectations can lead to disappointment. Often, we expect something specific from God but find ourselves limiting Him to only a particular outcome. When we don’t see Him come through just as we expected, we can find ourselves frustrated and disappointed — where was God? The truth is, God is always at work. We may not always see Him moving, or understand His plan, but He has something greater in mind.

Disappointment can tempt us to give up on expectations, but it’s an opportunity to strengthen our faith
God’s plans always exceed our expectations
Don't allow your expectations of what God was “supposed” to do get in the way of what He wants to do

If God always met your expectations, how could He ever exceed them?

What areas of your life are you waiting for God to show up? How can you operate from faith in the present as you hope for the future?

2. Endurance and Enjoyment

Job’s story is a powerful example of enduring pain and disappointment without losing faith. Even in his suffering, Job declared, “Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him.” Despite the immense loss, he continued to trust God, showing us that our hope can remain, even in the midst of struggle. Endurance is the ability to trust that God is working, even when we can’t see it.

Endurance strengthens our faith through trials
God hasn’t called us to merely endure life, He’s called us to enjoy it
Enjoying life is appreciating the little, it’s not a pain-free life, but a grateful one

We can say: “God, I don’t understand everything but I trust you in everything”

How has a difficult season strengthened your appreciation for God’s blessings?


Possibly the greatest source of frustration in life is unmet expectations. The difference between what we expected versus what we experienced often leads us to stop expecting. But there’s an invitation of faith amidst the frustration. Don’t lower your expectations; lift your faith. Give God something to exceed. God can do it, the question is: can you believe it?

Call To Action

Identify areas where you may be limiting God by expecting a specific outcome. Practice finding gratitude by celebrating the little things.


New VOUS Text Platform

All of you that are already in our database will receive a text this upcoming Thursday from our new text platform. It isn’t spam, it’s really us! This will become a primary way for us to resource, equip, and update you. We encourage you to save this number and opt in for more updates.

VOUS Junior High | Sunday Services

VOUS High is youth community of VOUS and we are creating a space for middle schoolers to gather for service every Sunday.

Students will start with worship in the main auditorium and then be dismissed to their junior high space. This will be a moment to connect with other students, hear a message, and then discuss in small groups.

For more information and to RSVP your student, click here

VOUS Thanksgiving Bash and VOUS Bowl 2024

Join us at the annual ILMC Thanksgiving Bash to distribute meal kits and turkeys. Also, bring a chair and cheer on your favorite team at our annual VOUS Bowl.

To serve, click here

Date: Saturday, November 23rd

Time: 9:00AM - 12:30PM

Location: Charles Hadley Park

1350 NW 50th St

Miami, FL 33142

VOUS Turkey Trot

Ready to kick off Thanksgiving with a burst of energy and community? Join us bright and early at Peacock Park for the VOUS 10K Turkey Trot! Whether you're a runner, a walker, or somewhere in between, this is a chance to start your day with some fresh air, great friends, and all-around fun! See you at the starting line!

To sign up for the Turkey Trot, click here

Date: Thursday, November 28th

Time: 6:00AM

Location: Peacock Park
2820 McFarlane Rd.
Miami, FL 33133

VOUS Tree Lighting

On Sunday, December 1st we're bringing our annual Tree Lighting tradition to both our SoMi and Miami Gardens Locations! Sign up to serve and join us for a night of fun! Invite your friends and let's welcome the Christmas season together!

Please note: There will not be a 6PM service at VOUS City.
Instead, join us at VOUS Miami Gardens for the 6PM service, followed by the tree lighting celebration.

Date: December 1st

Time: 7:30PM


VOUS Miami Gardens

17801 NW 2nd Ave

Miami, FL 33169


6767 Sunset Dr

South Miami, FL 33143

To serve, click here

Sundays at VOUS

8:45AM / 10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM

10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM

VOUS Miami Gardens
10:30AM / 12:30PM

VOUS Design District
10:30AM / 12:30PM

Church Online
10AM / 5PM Español

Visit VOUS

Growth Track

After every service or join online at vouschurch.com/growthtrack

Sign Up

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