John 20:10-18
10 Then the disciples went back to their homes, 11 but Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb 12 and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus’ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot. 13 They asked her, “Woman, why are you crying?” “They have taken my Lord away,” she said, “and I don’t know where they have put him.” 14 At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. 15 “Woman,” he said, “why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.” 16 Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means Teacher). 17 Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’ ” 18 Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” And she told them that he had said these things to her.
REFERENCES: Psalm 30:5-7, John 20:1, 6-8; John 20:1-18
Have you ever had to wake up super early when it was still dark outside? It can be disorienting to wake up before your mind realizes what's happening. But your heart knows that it needs to get up. Whether it's for work, practice, praying, or preparing, we have a reason to start the day. Mary Magdalene had a mission to see her beloved friend, Jesus, before the sun rose. She didn't realize that the worst 3 days in her life would suddenly become the greatest light the world had ever seen. There will be seasons when it's dark outside, but when you carefully look for the clues Jesus has left you, you will find a way to win the day rather than focus on the season. Your mourning will end in the morning when God's light enters your tomb.
Your worst season will give birth to your best season.
In order to validate that something exists or is true we always seek evidence. The empty tomb where Jesus was buried is a valuable clue that indeed He resurrected. If you were to visit the tombs of the world’s most famous religious leaders, they have one thing in common: their bones are there. Jesus’s empty tomb symbolizes his resurrection. His death was not the end, yet His resurrection utters: “It is finished.”
Culturally, if a master was dining and got up, yet folded his napkin and placed it on the table, the servant would know that the Master would be returning. When John and Peter ran to the tomb after being alerted by Mary that Jesus’ body was not there, they saw the burial napkin was neatly folded. Much like the illustration of the master and the servant, when they saw this they rationalized that the Messiah had returned to them, resurrecting from the grave. Although only three days earlier they had abandoned and denied Jesus, after seeing this they again believed.
On the first Easter morning, no one could have imagined that their darkest moment could become the brightest, that a place of death could become a place of new life. Today, God invites us to join the awesome story of resurrection, as Jesus continues to make all things new. The two ton boulder that sealed Jesus’ tomb didn’t roll away to let Jesus out, but to let everyone in to see and believe. And even when we feel like we can’t see, whether because of darkness all around, or because our eyes are blurry with tears - keep listening for the voice of Jesus to break through. He knows each of us by name, and is calling us to trust him. We become participants in the marvelous resurrection story as we embrace the good news that Jesus is alive, and boldly proclaim this hope to the world.
In your prayers this week, ask God for opportunities to share the good news of how Jesus has transformed your life. Be intentional in your everyday conversations to express your gratitude for what Jesus has done for you.
Are you interested in leading a crew? Click here to fill out an application to become a crew leader in SZN 2!
VOUS High Nite is a night for Junior High and High School Students to meet friends, worship and encounter God. It will be taking place Wednesday, April 2nd at both VOUS SoMi and VOUS Miami Gardens at 7PM.
To RSVP, click here.
There will also be a VOUS High Nite Parent Hangout. This will be an opportunity to learn more about VOUS High, have some dinner and get to know other parents in our community.
To RSVP for the Parent’s Hang, click here.
Where: VOUS Miami Gardens & VOUS SoMi
When: Saturday, April 2nd
VOUS Miami Gardens - 17801 NW 2nd Ave
Miami, FL 33169
VOUS SoMi - 6767 Sunset Dr, Miami, FL 33143
Doors Open at 7PM.
Are you looking for a place to grow in leadership, community, and culture? Join us at VOUS College Preview Day on April 3rd to learn more about program offerings, connect with students, and ignite your journey to help fulfill the Great Commission!
RSVP now at
Where: VOUS Miami Gardens
When: Thursday, April 3rd
Address: 17801 NW 2nd Ave
Miami, FL 33169
The Easter Egg Drop is a family fun-filled day, including food, games, entertainment, and the crowd favorite: a helicopter egg drop with eggs stuffed with goodies and prizes!
For more information on the Easter Egg Drop, click here
If you are interested in serving, click here
Where: Charles Hadley Park
When: Saturday, April 19th
Address: 1350 NW 50th St
Miami, FL 33142
Join us for Easter at VOUS as we celebrate the power of the cross. This is a weekend for the whole family! Pick a service time and invite a friend — there's room for you.
Join us on the road to VOUSCon as we embark on a 40-day relay run through the state of Florida. From Jacksonville to Miami, runners from every region are invited to participate in carrying the good news. Our finish line? VOUSCon 2025. Led by a core VOUS team, we’ll link arms with partner churches along the way, spotlighting the body of Christ and championing the local church through weekly outreach initiatives.
Starting Line: Sunday, May 11
Finish Line: Thursday, June 19
8:45AM / 10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM
10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM
VOUS Miami Gardens
10:30AM / 12:30PM
10:30AM / 12:30PM
Church Online
10AM / 12:00 PM / 5PM Español
Growth Track
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