Ezekiel 16:6-7 NIV
“ ‘Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, “Live!” I made you grow like a plant of the field.’”
When someone has a serious wound, it’s not enough to just stop the bleeding. Healing must also take place so that the injured person can get up and move forward. The same goes for our father wounds: once we confront our pain not only does God heal us, He blesses us. When we see the blessings in our battle scars, we are able to interrupt the negative patterns, and pass down a positive legacy to the future generations.
It's not just about stopping the bleeding, but starting the blessing
Your presence is your greatest present, and how you show up forms the people around you. When you care about pouring into the lives of others, you will be a blessing to them.
The desire of a father’s heart is to bless their child. God is blessing you, but sometimes we aren’t able to recognize it because we’re looking for a blessing that is appealing to the world. His blessings are not limited to health, wealth or wisdom. Being blessed means being prepared for the glorious things He has for us. You’re blessed because God gave you an identity and He called you His child.
When you feel like you have nothing left in you, you can call out to your heavenly father. Even if you haven’t read the Word, taken part in communion, or served His house, God will not disqualify you. That’s because His grace is not anchored in your performance. While these things are all critical to our growth and sanctification as Christians, surrendering our lives by calling out “Abba, Father!” is where the journey of faith begins for all believers.
If you’re at a place of desperation where you’re calling out “Abba, Father!” you’re in good company. From the Old and New Testament saints to Christians today, we do not find Jesus through our performance. We find Him when we reach the end of ourselves. If you have not surrendered your life to Jesus or you once did and want to recommit your life to Him, make that life changing decision today. Your Abba Father is waiting for you with open arms.
We’re in week two of Pray First and there’s still time to join! Prayer is where intimacy with God begins—it aligns our hearts with His will and unlocks Heaven’s power in our lives.
Let’s grow closer to God together. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Join us for Pray First by texting "PRAY" to 30596.
Monday - Friday
Zoom Prayer @ 6:30AM
Monday - Saturday
IG Live @ 12:00PM
Wednesday - 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Prayer Rooms - Miami Gardens
Wednesday, January 15 - Pray First Gathering
7:00PM Pre-Hang
7:30PM Service
SoMi, Miami Gardens, Design District
For all gatherings information and resources on Pray First, please click here!
We are having baptisms this Sunday, January 19th, across all of our locations, and on the beach.
To sign up for baptisms, please click here.
Heart & Soul will be taking place on Wednesday, January 22nd. This is a night for anyone who loves VOUS with worship, community, and a stakeholders message from Pastor Rich on where we're headed in 2025.
This SZN, we will be holding Heart & Soul at VOUS City!
RSVP here to let us know which location you will be joining us at. This is a night you do not want to miss!
This month's spotlight initiative is human trafficking awareness. We aim to bring light to this critical issue by partnering with organizations working to prevent trafficking and support survivors.
We will meet at our South Miami, Design District, and Miami Gardens locations on Saturday, January 25th at 10:30am to gather and serve at an outreach throughout the city.
To sign up for an outreach at one of our locations or an Off-Site outreach, please click here.
8:45AM / 10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM
10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM
VOUS Miami Gardens
10:30AM / 12:30PM
VOUS Design District
10:30AM / 12:30PM
Church Online
10AM / 5PM Español
Growth Track
After every service or join online at vouschurch.com/growthtrack