3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
REFERENCES: JOHN 18:37-38; EPHESIANS 6:10-17; JOHN 8:32; 1 PETER 5:8-9
Whether we want it or not, information in this present technological age is literally at our fingertips. Unsolicited newsletters pop into our email inboxes. One glaring headline after the next invades our newsfeed. And, somehow, subtle ideas and images that may or may not coincide with our thoughts and beliefs, find their way to our explore pages. With all that information constantly swirling from all directions, sometimes it can be hard to nail down the truth. Whether disguised by layers of conflicting perspectives or just lost completely, the path to truth can often lead to more questions than answers. Foundations that once seemed solid and dependable, become shakier and shakier. With the truth becoming more and more obscure, sometimes there can even be an underlying pressure or temptation to conform to the world’s standards for the sake of “peace.” And in trying to have peace on the surface we compromise true internal and mental peace. Sometimes to get to the truth, we have to disrupt the peace, but one thing is certain and completely unchanging; Jesus is truth. His message is reality. His life is the standard by which all others should be measured, rather than culture’s voice. As Paul teaches us in Corinthians; winning the wars waged in our hearts and minds begins with combating all lies of the enemy with God’s word, the truth, at any and all costs.
Peace if possible, truth at all costs. - Martin Luther
Cognitive dissonance is when our thoughts, beliefs, and values are in conflict with each other, meaning we believe one way but act another. As God calls us into a deeper relationship with him we realize that even when we are doing the right thing if we are not doing the thing God has asked of us we experience dissonance. Jesus came to reveal the truth to the world. He is the cornerstone and foundation upon which everything else is built. When our thoughts, beliefs, and values don’t align with him, we are living a lie. Acting according to our beliefs is futile if our beliefs aren’t based in his reality.
Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” John 18:37 NIV
We can easily get into the habit of complicating the truth, but the word of God spells out the truth clearly for us. We have a responsibility as Christians to not only know that there is truth but to be aware of what truth actually is and live it out. In Ephesians the apostle Paul details for us how we get ready to battle in the “ reality war” we are all a part of, our defense mechanism starts with truth and ends with truth, the word of God. When we know the truth, believe the truth, and live the truth there is freedom.
“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free” John 8:32
Caring for our mental health might often seem like a complex and time-consuming responsibility. Thankfully, the whole story of scripture shows us that just one, simple starting point holds the power to transform so many of our mental struggles: Start by knowing God’s truth. God’s truth is what keeps our lives in alignment with reality, the perfect ways that God intends for us to think, believe, and act. This truth is knowable and accessible because Jesus has come and perfectly revealed God’s truth to us. Plus, Jesus has given us God’s Spirit to guide us into all truth! When our lives correspond to the reality of God’s truth, we can be free from the Devil’s lies and unhelpful falsehoods that rob our peace of mind. As we deepen our knowledge of truth through a relationship with Jesus, we find abundant life and satisfaction for our longings. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and the real hope for our best mental health.
We walk with peace when we walk in the light of the truth. Tear down the devil’s lies with God’s word. Read John 8, choose a verse to memorize from this scripture.
We’re in week two of Pray First and there’s still time to join! Prayer is where intimacy with God begins—it aligns our hearts with His will and unlocks Heaven’s power in our lives.
Let’s grow closer to God together. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Join us for Pray First by texting "PRAY" to 30596.
Monday - Friday
Zoom Prayer @ 6:30AM
Monday - Saturday
IG Live @ 12:00PM
Wednesday - 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Prayer Rooms - Miami Gardens
Wednesday, January 15 - Pray First Gathering
7:00PM Pre-Hang
7:30PM Service
SoMi, Miami Gardens, Design District
For all gatherings information and resources on Pray First, please click here!
We are having baptisms this Sunday, January 19th, across all of our locations, and on the beach.
To sign up for baptisms, please click here.
Heart & Soul will be taking place on Wednesday, January 22nd. This is a night for anyone who loves VOUS with worship, community, and a stakeholders message from Pastor Rich on where we're headed in 2025.
This SZN, we will be holding Heart & Soul at VOUS City!
RSVP here to let us know which location you will be joining us at. This is a night you do not want to miss!
This month's spotlight initiative is human trafficking awareness. We aim to bring light to this critical issue by partnering with organizations working to prevent trafficking and support survivors.
We will meet at our South Miami, Design District, and Miami Gardens locations on Saturday, January 25th at 10:30am to gather and serve at an outreach throughout the city.
To sign up for an outreach at one of our locations or an Off-Site outreach, please click here.
8:45AM / 10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM
10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM
VOUS Miami Gardens
10:30AM / 12:30PM
VOUS Design District
10:30AM / 12:30PM
Church Online
10AM / 5PM Español
Growth Track
After every service or join online at vouschurch.com/growthtrack