Por encima de todo
¿Que esperabas?
Above It All
What Did You Expect?
Above It All
What Did You Expect?
Por encima de todo
¿Que esperabas?

Crew Leader

Introduction (2 minutes)

Use the Zoom chat feature to keep everyone connected. As people join in, ask for their first and last name, email address, and where they are tuning in from. Save the chat as an attendance record.


Ask Crew members to share their favorite points from the talk. What phrase or moment did they relate to the most?

Icebreaker: Reflection or Conversation Starter or Virtual Icebreaker (5 minutes)

For your icebreaker, choose from the options below. Have Crew members unmute themselves to share.

Conversation Starters (Choose One)
  • What's something you did this week that you feel proud of?
  • What did you eat for breakfast?
  • Name the best book you’ve ever read.
  • What’s your morning routine?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
  • If your life was a story, what would the title be?
Virtual Icebreakers (5 minutes)

Preaching Game - Choose random items and allow individuals to find ways to encourage others using that item. (Pick 2-3 volunteers)

Show-and-Tell - Pick an object in your home that has significance for you, something with a funny story behind it, anything unique, or something you've used to simply pass the time.

Crew Discussion

Since I’m Born Again, I’m Choosing To…..


Continuing the Conversation
Last Crew's Call to Action

God calls for us to forgive while maintaining boundaries necessary to steward and nurture our souls. This week, lean in to the wisdom of Solomon and study the book of Proverbs to help you develop tools for cultivating Godly relationships while asking God for the courage to forgive. Don’t forget to check out additional resources at https://www.vouschurch.com/care.


John 3:3-7

"Jesus replied, 'Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.' 'How can someone be born when they are old?' Nicodemus asked. 'Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!' Jesus answered, 'Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, "You must be born again."’

Additional Scripture References:

2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Peter 1:23, Titus 3:5

Main Idea

In a society that praises our degrees, status, and careers it’s easy to think that these things will make us feel whole and answer our biggest questions. But like Nicodemus visiting Jesus in the night, we can sense there is something greater and deeper we’re missing. We can be curious but still confused about what we’re looking for and how to get there. The good news is we don’t have to do it alone or in our own strength. Jesus welcomes our questions and meets us where we are when we are willing to come face to face, laying down our doubts and fears before him. Having faith is not about denying facts but believing the truth of who Jesus is. Jesus came to save us, transform us, and make us born again. The decision to believe and fully surrender to him is where new life begins.

1. I’m Choosing to Walk with Jesus

There is a transformative power of new life in Jesus. When we are reborn in Him, we examine our hearts, our habits, and our lives through the lens of God’s grace. There is a choice that we all have to make in our walk with Jesus. When we understand that we are made new, everything changes. We begin to see ourselves as He sees us–alive, free, and full of purpose.

In Christ, we find freedom and purpose.
Transformation in Christ is not a one-time event but a daily walk.
Following Jesus isn’t about being perfect–it’s about being present with Him.

You don’t need a second chance, you need a second birth

What are some of the most significant choices you’ve made in your walk with Jesus? How did they shape where you are today?

2. I’m Choosing to Never Go Back

Following Jesus isn’t just about making one decision, it’s a daily surrender. When pressure comes, the temptation to slip back into old ways disguises itself as comfort, but true peace is only found in Christ. Like locking the doors of your home at night to guard what’s valuable inside, spiritual boundaries shield your soul from sin. Living as a new creation means guarding what God has given you, setting boundaries, and choosing the light over darkness.

A thief doesn’t care how many doors you lock if you leave one open.
You can’t step into the future while holding onto the past.
Where you go and what you allow into your life will shape who you become.

Boundaries aren’t about restriction; they’re meant for our protection

What are some boundaries you need to establish in 2025 to protect your spiritual growth?


With a buffet full of distractions, the question remains: what are you feeding? We have been crucified with Christ and born again. A redemptive plot we could never earn, but instead have been graced to carry. God through His goodness has made us new, but carrying your old self will forfeit all He is doing inside of you. As Nicodemus yielded to light so shall we. So, change your appetite and no longer feed the things of the old but the things of the new, bringing to fruition the transformative work God has done in you.

Call To Action

“There are believers and deceivers but no in-betweeners”. God wants your full commitment to His promises. Being born again isn’t just a one-time decision–it’s a daily surrender. Take time this week to reflect on where you stand, let go of what’s holding you back, and step boldly into the new life God has for you.

Action Steps:
  • Reflect and Repent: Set aside time this week to evaluate your heart and surrender areas where you have been holding onto old ways of living. Confess where you have struggled to embrace the new life Jesus has given you.
  • Step Out in Faith: Just like the Israelites had to trust God in the wilderness, commit to taking a bold step of faith in an area where you have been hesitant. Trust that when you believe, you will see God move.
  • Daily Renewal: Read the Word with your Born Again Journal, spend time in prayer, and allow the Holy Spirit to refresh you each day. The transformation process is ongoing.
  • Surround Yourself with Support: Growth happens in community. Engage with a small group or accountability partner this week and share what God is doing in your life.

Prayer Prompts

These prayer prompts can guide you in prayers you may need to pray or share with others this week.

Prayer of Surrender:
Jesus, I surrender my life fully to you. I lay down my fears, doubts, and old ways of living. Help me to embrace the new life You have given me and trust in your plan for my life.

Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. Matthew 16:24-25

Prayer for Spiritual Renewal:
Holy Spirit, renew my heart and mind. Give me the strength to walk in faith, even when I don’t understand. Shape me into a new wineskin that can carry the fullness of your presence and purpose.

Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

Prayer to Step Out in Faith:
Father, I choose to trust You even when I can’t see the full picture. Give me the courage to move forward in faith, knowing that You go before me and prepare the way.

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7


Beach Baptisms

This Sunday, February 16th, we are having baptisms on the beach in Key Biscayne! If you are interested in being baptized, please click  here to sign up.

Where: Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park

When: Sunday, February 16th

Time: 9:00 AM

Address: 1200 S Crandon Blvd

Key Biscayne, FL 33149

Pavilion #: C16 (near Lighthouse Compound)

Location Team Night

These nights are more than meetings—they are moments to encourage, train, and connect as one location. Moments to build strength because the strength of our Church depends on the strength of our teams.

Whether you’ve been serving for years or are just getting started, your presence matters. Team Night isn’t just for a specific team or department—it’s for our locations to come together as one cohesive team and move forward as one.

Team Night is happening on Wednesday, February 19 at each of our locations starting at 7:00 PM! Sign up for your location below:

| City | Miami Gardens | Design District

February ILMC

ILMC will be taking place Saturday, February 22nd. This month's spotlight initiative focuses on promoting mental, physical, and spiritual health. Through workshops, fitness activities, and health resources, we will serve our city by encouraging holistic wellness.

Sign Up To Serve

SoMi | Miami Gardens | Design District | Off-Site


VOUS Girl is back! VOUS GIRL is a community, a gathering for all women in every season of life. Gather at four locations Thursday, March 20

Thursday, March 20

Register for free at vousgirl.com

VOUS College Preview Day

Are you looking for a place to grow in leadership, community, and culture? Join us at VOUS College Preview Day on April 3rd to learn more about program offerings, connect with students, and ignite your journey to help fulfill the Great Commission!

RSVP now at vouscollege.com/preview

Where: VOUS Miami Gardens

When: Thursday, April 3rd

Address: 17801 NW 2nd Ave

Miami, FL 33169

Sundays at VOUS

8:45AM / 10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM

10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM

VOUS Miami Gardens
10:30AM / 12:30PM

VOUS Design District
10:30AM / 12:30PM

Church Online
10AM / 12PM / 5PM Español

Visit VOUS

Growth Track

After every service or join online at vouschurch.com/growthtrack

Sign Up

Crew Leader

Introduction (2 minutes)

Use the Zoom chat feature to keep everyone connected. As people join in, ask for their first and last name, email address, and where they are tuning in from. Save the chat as an attendance record.


Ask Crew members to share their favorite points from the talk. What phrase or moment did they relate to the most?

Icebreaker: Reflection or Conversation Starter or Virtual Icebreaker (5 minutes)

For your icebreaker, choose from the options below. Have Crew members unmute themselves to share.

Conversation Starters (Choose One)
  • What's something you did this week that you feel proud of?
  • What did you eat for breakfast?
  • Name the best book you’ve ever read.
  • What’s your morning routine?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
  • If your life was a story, what would the title be?
Virtual Icebreakers (5 minutes)

Preaching Game - Choose random items and allow individuals to find ways to encourage others using that item. (Pick 2-3 volunteers)

Show-and-Tell - Pick an object in your home that has significance for you, something with a funny story behind it, anything unique, or something you've used to simply pass the time.

Crew Discussion

What Did You Expect?

Pastor Luke Barry

Continuing the Conversation
VOUSCon 2023: Reflect

VOUSCon was nothing short of a miracle! We're still praising God for all He did. Reflection builds gratitude. Spend the first few minutes of Crew sharing a testimony or reflection from VOUSCon 2023.

Continuing the Conversation
Last Crew's Call to Action

God calls for us to forgive while maintaining boundaries necessary to steward and nurture our souls. This week, lean in to the wisdom of Solomon and study the book of Proverbs to help you develop tools for cultivating Godly relationships while asking God for the courage to forgive. Don’t forget to check out additional resources at https://www.vouschurch.com/care.


Ephesians 3:20-21 NKJV

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Additional Scripture References: John 11:32; Job 13:15; John 11:5; Matthew 14:31

Main Idea

Life often doesn't meet our expectations, leading to frustration and disappointment. We may hope for one outcome, only to be met with something entirely different, creating a gap between what we expected and what we experienced. This gap can lead us to question God, our faith, and our hope. But through stories like that of Lazarus and Job, we learn that God isn’t in the business of just meeting expectations, He’s in the business of exceeding them.

God’s power to perform exceeds our ability to ask

1. Hope and Expectation

Faith grows through hope and trusting God’s timing. Positive expectations can fuel faith, while unmet expectations can lead to disappointment. Often, we expect something specific from God but find ourselves limiting Him to only a particular outcome. When we don’t see Him come through just as we expected, we can find ourselves frustrated and disappointed — where was God? The truth is, God is always at work. We may not always see Him moving, or understand His plan, but He has something greater in mind.

Disappointment can tempt us to give up on expectations, but it’s an opportunity to strengthen our faith
God’s plans always exceed our expectations
Don't allow your expectations of what God was “supposed” to do get in the way of what He wants to do

If God always met your expectations, how could He ever exceed them?

What areas of your life are you waiting for God to show up? How can you operate from faith in the present as you hope for the future?

2. Endurance and Enjoyment

Job’s story is a powerful example of enduring pain and disappointment without losing faith. Even in his suffering, Job declared, “Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him.” Despite the immense loss, he continued to trust God, showing us that our hope can remain, even in the midst of struggle. Endurance is the ability to trust that God is working, even when we can’t see it.

Endurance strengthens our faith through trials
God hasn’t called us to merely endure life, He’s called us to enjoy it
Enjoying life is appreciating the little, it’s not a pain-free life, but a grateful one

We can say: “God, I don’t understand everything but I trust you in everything”

How has a difficult season strengthened your appreciation for God’s blessings?


Possibly the greatest source of frustration in life is unmet expectations. The difference between what we expected versus what we experienced often leads us to stop expecting. But there’s an invitation of faith amidst the frustration. Don’t lower your expectations; lift your faith. Give God something to exceed. God can do it, the question is: can you believe it?

Call To Action

Identify areas where you may be limiting God by expecting a specific outcome. Practice finding gratitude by celebrating the little things.


Beach Baptisms

This Sunday, February 16th, we are having baptisms on the beach in Key Biscayne! If you are interested in being baptized, please click  here to sign up.

Where: Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park

When: Sunday, February 16th

Time: 9:00 AM

Address: 1200 S Crandon Blvd

Key Biscayne, FL 33149

Pavilion #: C16 (near Lighthouse Compound)

Location Team Night

These nights are more than meetings—they are moments to encourage, train, and connect as one location. Moments to build strength because the strength of our Church depends on the strength of our teams.

Whether you’ve been serving for years or are just getting started, your presence matters. Team Night isn’t just for a specific team or department—it’s for our locations to come together as one cohesive team and move forward as one.

Team Night is happening on Wednesday, February 19 at each of our locations starting at 7:00 PM! Sign up for your location below:

| City | Miami Gardens | Design District

February ILMC

ILMC will be taking place Saturday, February 22nd. This month's spotlight initiative focuses on promoting mental, physical, and spiritual health. Through workshops, fitness activities, and health resources, we will serve our city by encouraging holistic wellness.

Sign Up To Serve

SoMi | Miami Gardens | Design District | Off-Site


VOUS Girl is back! VOUS GIRL is a community, a gathering for all women in every season of life. Gather at four locations Thursday, March 20

Thursday, March 20

Register for free at vousgirl.com

VOUS College Preview Day

Are you looking for a place to grow in leadership, community, and culture? Join us at VOUS College Preview Day on April 3rd to learn more about program offerings, connect with students, and ignite your journey to help fulfill the Great Commission!

RSVP now at vouscollege.com/preview

Where: VOUS Miami Gardens

When: Thursday, April 3rd

Address: 17801 NW 2nd Ave

Miami, FL 33169

Sundays at VOUS

8:45AM / 10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM

10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM

VOUS Miami Gardens
10:30AM / 12:30PM

VOUS Design District
10:30AM / 12:30PM

Church Online
10AM / 12PM / 5PM Español

Visit VOUS

Growth Track

After every service or join online at vouschurch.com/growthtrack

Sign Up

Sign Up for a Crew ->