John 3:3-7
"Jesus replied, 'Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.' 'How can someone be born when they are old?' Nicodemus asked. 'Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!' Jesus answered, 'Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, "You must be born again."’
Additional Scripture References:
2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Peter 1:23, Titus 3:5
In a society that praises our degrees, status, and careers it’s easy to think that these things will make us feel whole and answer our biggest questions. But like Nicodemus visiting Jesus in the night, we can sense there is something greater and deeper we’re missing. We can be curious but still confused about what we’re looking for and how to get there. The good news is we don’t have to do it alone or in our own strength. Jesus welcomes our questions and meets us where we are when we are willing to come face to face, laying down our doubts and fears before him. Having faith is not about denying facts but believing the truth of who Jesus is. Jesus came to save us, transform us, and make us born again. The decision to believe and fully surrender to him is where new life begins.
There is a transformative power of new life in Jesus. When we are reborn in Him, we examine our hearts, our habits, and our lives through the lens of God’s grace. There is a choice that we all have to make in our walk with Jesus. When we understand that we are made new, everything changes. We begin to see ourselves as He sees us–alive, free, and full of purpose.
Following Jesus isn’t just about making one decision, it’s a daily surrender. When pressure comes, the temptation to slip back into old ways disguises itself as comfort, but true peace is only found in Christ. Like locking the doors of your home at night to guard what’s valuable inside, spiritual boundaries shield your soul from sin. Living as a new creation means guarding what God has given you, setting boundaries, and choosing the light over darkness.
With a buffet full of distractions, the question remains: what are you feeding? We have been crucified with Christ and born again. A redemptive plot we could never earn, but instead have been graced to carry. God through His goodness has made us new, but carrying your old self will forfeit all He is doing inside of you. As Nicodemus yielded to light so shall we. So, change your appetite and no longer feed the things of the old but the things of the new, bringing to fruition the transformative work God has done in you.
“There are believers and deceivers but no in-betweeners”. God wants your full commitment to His promises. Being born again isn’t just a one-time decision–it’s a daily surrender. Take time this week to reflect on where you stand, let go of what’s holding you back, and step boldly into the new life God has for you.
These prayer prompts can guide you in prayers you may need to pray or share with others this week.
Prayer of Surrender:
Jesus, I surrender my life fully to you. I lay down my fears, doubts, and old ways of living. Help me to embrace the new life You have given me and trust in your plan for my life.
Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. Matthew 16:24-25
Prayer for Spiritual Renewal:
Holy Spirit, renew my heart and mind. Give me the strength to walk in faith, even when I don’t understand. Shape me into a new wineskin that can carry the fullness of your presence and purpose.
Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
Prayer to Step Out in Faith:
Father, I choose to trust You even when I can’t see the full picture. Give me the courage to move forward in faith, knowing that You go before me and prepare the way.
For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
This Sunday, February 16th, we are having baptisms on the beach in Key Biscayne! If you are interested in being baptized, please click here to sign up.
Where: Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park
When: Sunday, February 16th
Time: 9:00 AM
Address: 1200 S Crandon Blvd
Key Biscayne, FL 33149
Pavilion #: C16 (near Lighthouse Compound)
These nights are more than meetings—they are moments to encourage, train, and connect as one location. Moments to build strength because the strength of our Church depends on the strength of our teams.
Whether you’ve been serving for years or are just getting started, your presence matters. Team Night isn’t just for a specific team or department—it’s for our locations to come together as one cohesive team and move forward as one.
Team Night is happening on Wednesday, February 19 at each of our locations starting at 7:00 PM! Sign up for your location below:
SoMi | City | Miami Gardens | Design District
ILMC will be taking place Saturday, February 22nd. This month's spotlight initiative focuses on promoting mental, physical, and spiritual health. Through workshops, fitness activities, and health resources, we will serve our city by encouraging holistic wellness.
Sign Up To Serve
VOUS Girl is back! VOUS GIRL is a community, a gathering for all women in every season of life. Gather at four locations Thursday, March 20
Thursday, March 20
Register for free at
Are you looking for a place to grow in leadership, community, and culture? Join us at VOUS College Preview Day on April 3rd to learn more about program offerings, connect with students, and ignite your journey to help fulfill the Great Commission!
RSVP now at
Where: VOUS Miami Gardens
When: Thursday, April 3rd
Address: 17801 NW 2nd Ave
Miami, FL 33169
8:45AM / 10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM
10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM
VOUS Miami Gardens
10:30AM / 12:30PM
VOUS Design District
10:30AM / 12:30PM
Church Online
10AM / 12PM / 5PM Español
Growth Track
After every service or join online at