A day to never forget. As we remind ourselves who God has called us to be, and obey his commandments we are able to stay in our lane without the need to compare ourselves to who’s in the lane beside us. Being in his presence prepares our hearts to fulfill our calling. But, even when we feel like we’ve been disqualified from the call, we can stay the course because God is faithful. It’s not in our strength that we can do all things, but in His.
With very little sleep and lots of caffeine I made my way to the first breakout of the day at 8am. “If You Can’t Measure It, You Can’t Manage It,” was the title of that session, which was brilliantly dismantled. Data is not a popular word, but if you are able to translate data it will tell a story and answer questions.
A packed auditorium greeted me as I made my way to the bleachers to attend the first main session of the day. Pastor Mike Todd held nothing back as he made it a point to remind us that comparison easily leads to sin. The next step to comparing ourselves is coveting and coveting is part of the commandments of what God calls us out of.
As I walked out of the main session the heat of the sun had me a tad exhausted, but I was immediately refreshed as I heard pastor DawnCheré, Kari Jobe, and Cody Carnes talk on the topic “Worship is a Muscle.” Listening to how they steward the calling on their lives was inspiring. Being in the presence of God is key to leading people in worship, yet they admitted they were not exempt from comparing themselves to other worship leaders. But rather than compare we are called to collaborate in doing God’s work and celebrate each other.
God is number one in celebrating us, in welcoming us to his loving arms regardless of what we may be feeling or fearing. Pastor Judah Smith sealed the night with the thought, Jesus is over everything. He spoke on how many times we are looking from the outside in and don’t feel like we belong. But just like Jesus healed the woman with the issue of blood and then called her out, he calls us out to not be afraid of admitting we are broken and in need. All we have to do is continuously approach him because there is healing in Him. He is all in all.
His presence makes all the difference in our lives. You are a masterpiece and his calling on our lives is unique.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. -Ephesians 2:10
- Metrics are good for information, not identity. The metrics don’t always capture the impact that one is having by simply being faithful
- The Christian faith is not about me and God, but us and God. We are the body of Christ and each have a unique, beautiful call that helps build us up as the church of Christ
- God can use anyone, we only need to be willing to stay the course. Quit hiding from God, he is the solid rock in which we can fall back on
The gospel is not exclusive, it’s specific
As we wrap up these days of conference I can only be grateful for what he has done. He’s doing a new thing. He’s stirring us up to mirror him. When people see us they should see his reflection, or the reflection of one who is staying the course and pressing forward in knowing him, vs. hiding from Him.
I would encourage you to hear all the main sessions and breakout sessions once they are available & make notes for yourself. Don’t shy away from the call God has on your life. Obey Him. And remember, it’s not in your strength, but His.