How often do we casually invite our family or friends out to dine at our favorite restaurant, check out some views at our favorite rooftop, or even grab the best desert at the most Instagram-able location we’re sure they’d love? It’s easiest when we’re almost certain of their response, and it’s even easier when it’s a shared common interest.
When we truly love and enjoy something we obsess about it so much we invite, practically beg, our friends to join us for that moment of pleasure.
We tend to panic when we want to invite our family or our friends to church because all the reasoning we did earlier somehow, at the critical moment, turns into mini scenarios of why it wouldn’t work out. “What if I make them uncomfortable?” “What do I say if they say no?” “Is this invitation too personal?” When we hesitate to invite our loved ones to church, we should remind ourselves of the potential instead.
What if they say yes? What if this invitation was meant to change someone’s life? What if church is exactly what this person needs?
Sometimes we refrain from inviting family and friends to church because we simply just don’t know how. If we’re hesitant about our approach to inviting others to begin or deepen their relationship with Jesus, follow these simple steps on how to plant the first seed in someone’s heart.
Take it to Jesus so you can discover the strength he has for you in this opportunity. Invite Jesus to be part of this moment and move you in the right direction. Ask Jesus to open up their hearts towards your invitation. God wants to use you. God blessed you so you can bless others.
Paul, the great apostle, asked believers to pray that God would open doors of opportunity to preach the good news of Christ. “And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ.” Colossians 4:3 NIV Through prayer, we call out to him for guidance, we trust he will answer our calls and supply our needs.
Find out a little bit more about your loved ones. What motivates them? Are there any areas in their life that you know only Jesus can fix? Find out why they haven’t attended church, maybe all they are waiting for is an invitation. Or maybe they haven’t encountered Jesus yet. Try to understand their unique situations for what they are and tailor your invite. God never withdraws the offer of relationship, no matter the circumstance.
Be Yourself
The same enthusiasm you felt when speaking about your favorite cheesecake, share with joy the good news! Talk about your love for Jesus, the church you attend, and the community surrounding you. Your loved ones will already know church holds a huge part in your heart, and the invite won’t seem so sudden. Help them find a common ground with church. Church answers questions, motivates, relates, and simplifies.
A joyful celebration occurs when friends unite their voices as one the name of Jesus. “Glorify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.” Psalm 34:3 NIV By inviting others to worship, you are encouraging them to invite Jesus in and make him large in their lives.
There are many ways we can introduce our family and friends to our beloved Jesus. Tap into the outreach activities of your church. VOUS Church has many ways you can share the word of the Lord that your friends can experience even in the comfort of their own home.
- Share VOUS Church through social media. This will allow your loved ones to get a feel of what’s to come—the best that is!
- Host A Watch Party – invite some friends over, bring out the snacks, and make it a viewing party!
- ILMC – Get out and serve others together! It’s always a rewarding feeling helping others surrounded by a faith filled community.
- Growth Track – We all have a purpose in God’s kingdom. Empower others by having them join in on Sundays after worship to encounter Jesus, establish purpose, and get equipped with resources so they can flourish to their fullest potential.
Be Open to Rejection
Not everybody Jesus invited was ready to become his disciple, and your friends may be hesitant at first, but remember that’s OK. You were strong and courageous by extending the invite and you can peacefully respect their wishes. Remind them God’s doors are always open and everyone is invited; church is a place where encouragement is provided by a community of people who want to get to know them. They may change their mind eventually, and you will be there to show them the way!
Fulfill God's Purpose
God always uses people to grow people. Plant your seed and continue to share your faith.
Continue to share your experiences with Jesus and how he saved you. When people are hurting, lost, confused, or just need a friend, point them to Jesus.
Who do you plan on inviting this week?
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