Day 9: VOUS Care

August 28, 2018
2 min read
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“Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.” Proverbs 11:14 MSG

Whether you are pursuing freedom in relationships, freedom in finances, freedom from addictions, or freedom in your emotions, I always look at the pursuit of freedom this way. Imagine being in a hospital waiting room. It’s you and a room full of people. The doctor walks into the waiting room and says, “I have a cure for anything that might be wrong with you. The only thing you have to is step up and tell me your issue.” Now you have two choices, you can sit there and say nothing for fear of who might be watching or you can get up and see about this cure. I think many of us would choose the latter. You would do whatever it takes to be well.

But why don't we think this way with our personal issues? We tend to hide, cover, and ignore the things that are bothering us. You don't know if the cure will work, but you better your chances when you go for it. What you are doing already isn’t working, so why not step out and try something new?

This season, VOUS Care will offer four different classes: Free to Grow, Premarital Counseling, Financial Peace, and Celebrate Recovery. I have been able to witness firsthand the growth and strength in individuals who decided to step out and be intentional about finding wholeness through our Tuesday night classes. Today I'm praying for those will take a step and say, “I want to better my chances. I want to walk in the path that God has planned for me.” If that’s you today, I believe God will do more than you could ask or imagine if you will open your life and trust him.

Manouchka Charles

The VOUS Blog is a space for discovery with resources and reflections, curated by the VOUS community and team, to encourage you on the journey.

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