The first main day starts with us solidifying who we're here for and finishing with remembering why we did it all in the first place.
Do you remember your first encounter with Jesus? Or maybe this is your first time like mine? You didn't know what to expect. But you can feel something tangible in the air. The excitement and anticipation of your first experience with Jesus is imprinted on you forever. You'll always remember your first. Remembering that moment will bring you back to the reason you are on this journey with Christ. The reason you started following and leaving your past behind. DawnCheré opened with the message "A Hill to Die On" to set the tone that Jesus is the reason. He is worthy of it all.
The Leadership Lunch with Pastors Rich and Mike Todd gave us insight of how to carry that message through to create successful thriving organizations. The Christ values you share with your staff will withstand the growth of your teams and the criticisms as you start to gain more influence.
Session 3 gave us hope for our singleness and relationships. Jesus wants us to not only thrive vertically but also in our horizontal relationships. However, Mike Todd explained, "God will never do what you can" and you are required to do the work to heal to be a healthy individual. Doe sang it beautifully that we must learn to communicate and pray. It's not enough to receive salvation. We are called to so much more.
My breakout went deeper into the idea of connecting with people like Jesus did. Grace is a prerequisite and without love, you cannot force people to believe God's truth. People need to know they are forgiven and there's no shame or condemnation. We have to speak truth from a place of love and compassion.
After a year of attending VOUS Crew, the conference felt more enjoyable seeing the friends I've made and sat in anticipation for the final session. Cody Carnes opened with Firm Foundation. I can't even explain the magic that happened in the arena. Worship and praise filled the air and tears of joy touched our faces.
Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. ended the day with his message, "Upon this Rock". We always remember our first love. When we're reminded of the things we did or said, we often think how foolish our actions were when it came to our first love. However when it comes to Christ, we can never forget our first encounter.
There's so many things we kill ourselves doing but nothing is worth dying for more than the love of Jesus. God gives us the freedom to choose what we give our life for. It's up to us to decide what matters more. Jesus gives us the answer, choose life.
Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place. Revelation 2:4-5
God can never do what you can do on your ownIf you need the thing, job or person, the enemy can weaponize it. You must surrender it all to God. Our job is to value what He values over what we value
Why do we like nostalgic things? Even a certain scent can take you back years into your memories. You find yourself warping through time and space when life was different. Jesus holds all of you. He's been there through the joys and pains of your life. Never forget who made you feel alive again.
If you have an old prayer journal or think about memories when you encountered Jesus, ask Holy Spirit to take you back to that moment. Remember what it felt like. Allow it to melt your heart and ask Jesus to never let you forget your first love.