Vous Conference is a place where we can surrender our hearts to God and allow Him to work in us and transform us from the inside.
Surrender is a term used in the battlefield, it refers to ceasing resistance to an enemy or opponent and submitting to their authority. When one of the armies surrenders, they lay down their arms, and the other army takes control from then on.
In the same way, we are in a constant battle between our will and God’s will. When we surrender to Him, we are letting go of control and our own plans to align them with what God wants for our lives.
And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” - Luke 9:23
As Vous Conference approaches, it is a good time to surrender your heart to God and all the areas of your life that you haven’t let Him take control of yet. A time to let go of your will and embrace His.
God I come to humble myself to you and surrender my life, my plans and my will. I don’t want my flesh to dictate the decisions I make, I want your Holy Spirit to guide me to what you want for me.
I let go of the need to control every area of my life and I lay it all down to your feet. I submit to your authority and I open my heart to receive what you have for my life. I believe that your plans and your thoughts are higher than my own.
I give up on any incredulous or negative mindset I’ve been holding on to. I let go of my own expectations of what I think Vous Conference is going to be like and I make room in my heart for you to do as you wish.
Lord have your way in me.