When My Path Isn't Straight

January 4, 2022
5 min read
Written By
Pray First
When my path isn’t straight, I remember that I need to surrender my life to Jesus, trust in him and allow him to align my plans to his.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” - Proverbs 3: 5-6

What have you been putting your trust on? Your own understanding or God’s? What areas in your life feel kind of messy because you haven’t really brought them to God?

Oftentimes we make our own plans and pretty much just show them to God and “ask for his blessing”. Sometimes not even that. We just make them and don’t even consider making him part of it. But the Bible says that we shouldn’t trust our own understanding and we should always submit our ways to him. When we do that, not only we are getting redirected to the right path for our lives, but we are also growing in our relationship and trust in Jesus. And we start walking in the purpose he has for our lives.

Take a moment today to think about the plans you have for this year and those areas that you haven’t really brought to Jesus because you’ve been wanting to handle them on your own. Bring all of that in prayer and surrender them to God. Ask him to help you put your trust in him and to make your paths straight according to his will and not yours.
And whenever you feel like your path is a little bumpy or you feel like its leading nowhere, you can remind yourself this:

When my path isn’t straight, I can trust in the Lord, in his understanding and in his ways.

Pray in community during 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting.

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