Already Disturbed, Proceed with Caution

January 12, 2022
5 min read
Written By
Pray First
What if you are already disturbed because of past trauma in your life? How can God help you work through that?

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” - 1 Peter 5:7

Have you ever seen one of those signs that say, “Do not disturb?” Sometimes, when I am having a really bad day I feel like I need one like that so no one bothers me. But, I have to admit, that there was a time when I felt like what I really needed was a sign that said, “Already disturbed, proceed with caution.”

The different traumas in our lives not only can cause us deep pain, but they also influence the way we are and the way we act. If someone betrayed us in the past, we are most likely to set up a wall and not let people get close to us. If someone abandoned us, we might get the temptation to not trust anyone and not make the effort to create strong and deep relationships.

But we are not meant to carry all of our pain, our anxiety, and trauma by ourselves. We are called to give it up to God. He wants to carry it for us, to heal us, to restore us so that we can be free from all past hurt and disappointment. But we are also called to share our burdens with others, that’s why it's so important to surround ourselves with people we can trust and who can help us in our walk through life.

Whatever you are going through right now, I want to encourage you to give it to God. To set a time in your day to talk to him about what you’ve been carrying and ask for his help to restore the broken parts of you. He’s there willing to listen, to surround you with his love and to help you walk in the life he has for you.

Pray in community during 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting.

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